Monday, November 8, 2010

The 25 Acts of Kindness Challenge

Kindness Campaign... Kindness Challenge

Here is my challenge that I am putting out ---- I CHALLENGE YOU!

Let's all get involved in the Kindness Challenge and perform three kind deeds per day. For the next ten days, I would like to have all students and instructors of Goshin Karate & Judo Academy perform acts of kindness.

I hope these Acts of Kindness (to friends, family, perfect strangers, people in need and even a few four-legged friends) will swept through Phoenix, Scottsdale and Arizona. "Passed It On"

"I hope what we start right here at Goshin Karate & Judo Academy is only the beginning," Lets see who can Perform, and Log the most acts of kindness. (Start Logging them Now)

The point of my challenge is to see what focusing on kindness does to the person performing them, and also to see what effect doing acts of kindness has on the students and our school. I am just asking for 3 kind deeds that each of us perform everyday. - Thank you. Mr. Boggs

A to Z of Exciting Kindness Activities for Volunteers

Art – Share your artistic talents and hobbies like drawing, painting and pottery making.

Befriend youths-at-risk, teach baking and bowling skills.

Camping- bring everyone along, including senior citizens of the disabled.

Doing up welfare homes.

Entertaining the less fortunate through concerts and sketches.

Festive celebrations – treat the underprivileged to festive goodies like moon cakes.

Games like ‘goli’ and ‘chatek’ – teach the young the games of old.

Handicraft – teach others how to make soft toys, greeting cards and baskets.

Instruct – instruct others in dancing, gymnastics and qigong.

Jumble Sale – organise a sale to raise funds.

Kite flying and karaoke sessions – simple activities you can conduct for the young and old.

Logistical Support – arrange transportation and offer technical expertise to community events.

Make someone’s day – conduct courses in time management, accounting, et cetera.

Newsletter – write and edit for a community newsletter.

Organisational skills – use your skills to organise community events.

Publicity – help publicise charity and community events.

Quest – inject in the young and old a quest for adventure.

Recruitment – help recruit volunteers for community service.

Sight- seeing – take the less fortunate on excursions and trips.

Tuition – give free tuition to poor pupils.

Unlocking other people’s talents – your encouragement can unlock hidden talents in others.

Video production – teach video production skills.

Water sports – volunteer your time to teach swimming and other forms of water sports.

Xcitement – inject a sense of excitement in others’ lives.

Youth outreach – be proactive, reach out to the youths.

Zoo trip – a simple trip to the zoo can mean a lot to some.


Mr. Boggs - Sensei
Goshin Karate and Judo Academy
6245 E. Bell Road #120
Scottsdale, AZ. 85254
480-951-2236 --- Martial Arts - Holiday Sale - November 20th

Providing Instruction/Lessons in Martial Arts, Self Defense, Judo, Jujitsu, MMA and Karate, for Kids, Teens and Adults in the Cave Creek, Phoenix, Scottsdale and the entire north valley of Arizona since 1991.


Scottsdale Arizona, Phoenix Arizona, Taekwondo, Karate kids, Ju-jitsu / Jiu-jitsu, Grappling, Kickboxing, Hapkido, Judo, Kung Fu, Bruce Lee's Jeet Kune Do, Escrima, Kali Arnis, Wushu, Aikido, Judo, Kempo / Kenpo, Yoga, TaiChi, Self Defense Training, Practical Street Defense, Women's Self Defense, Stranger Danger, Bully Busting, Workplace violence, School violence, Personal Training, Executive Self Defense, Boxing, Weapons, Extreme Martial Arts (XMA), Black Belt Training,

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Kindness Week - Feb 15-21, - Karate Kindness

It is the little things that make the BIGGEST difference


» Say “I love you” to the the people you love

» Hold the door open for the person behind you

» Let someone out in front of you in traffic

» Tip more than 15% especially when your server seems to be having a bad day

» Give something to the homeless (blankets, a jacket, a sandwich)

» Write a thank you note to one of your teachers past or present and let them know how grateful you are for them

» Call a friend you haven’t spoken to in a while

» Let the person who needs the closer parking spot have it

» Help the elderly and parents with small children

» Smile when you answer the phone

» Thank the men and women in uniform

» Smile and say hello to a complete stranger

» Be kind to animals

» Pick up a check in a restaurant

» Volunteer in your community (hospital, soup kitchen, animal shelter)

» Practice gratitude everyday and simply be kind

Please feel free to share your ideas with us.


Mr. Boggs - Sensei
Goshin Karate & Judo Academy
6245 E. Bell Road #120
Scottsdale, AZ. 85254


Sunday, January 17, 2010

Karate KIds -- One Million Acts of Kindness - The Kindness Generation

I read this Article in the AARP Bulletin and have sent Bob an e-mail to see if he will stop by Goshin Karate & Judo Academy and talk to our "Goshin Action Hero's." The Karate and Judo students at Goshin Karate & Judo Academy in North Phoenix and Scottsdale have reached 35,000 Acts of kindness in the last 18 months.

Kindness. Do you think that the trait of kindness is innate, or is it something that we “learn?” I’m not sure that everyone is born with it, but I think that most people can learn to be kind … although it takes practice. By practicing simple acts of kindness, I think we can teach our children the trait by example.


Bob Votruba and his dog Bogart are spreading the message of kindness around college campuses.

Bob Votruba’s Boston terrier, Bogart, jumps up on students hurrying by with coffee and books at the entrance of Ohio University’s campus. One young woman looks impatiently ahead; another stops and glances at the big, pale-blue bus painted with sayings and slogans promoting hugs, kindness and generosity.

Votruba, 54, smiles and hands out a blue circular sticker that reads “One Million Acts of Kindness.”

“This could be the coolest goal of your lifetime,” he tells a young woman. “It will probably take 50 years or so.”

A slender man with a quiet smile and an upbeat outlook, the Cleveland native is crisscrossing the country in his bus on a 10-year mission to encourage, inspire and remind people to be kind every day—even every hour. Last August he started visiting college campuses to reach students, who he says are the most receptive to his ideas.

“I didn’t go to college. So now I’m going to all of them,” he says, with plans to visit about 100 campuses a year.

Throughout the day students and other passersby take a minute to pat Bogart and listen to Votruba talk about kindness and its importance in today’s world. After they leave, he gulps a little more coffee and starts his spiel again to others who stop by. Some agree to take extra stickers. A few already know about him from Facebook, Twitter or the One Million Acts of Kindness website. He’s also on YouTube.

When Votruba first started talking about the effort, friends tried to persuade him to lower his goal to 100,000. But it didn’t have the same ring as a million.

Reaching 1 million kindnesses over a lifetime requires 50 acts of kindness a day for 55 years, performing good deeds such as picking up trash, holding open a door or giving a hungry man a sandwich. “It’s a big, big number and totally obtainable, with kindness in the heart,” Votruba says.

But he knows he must pick up the pace to meet his own million mark. “I’ve got to do like 500 [acts] a day,” Votruba says with a laugh, noting he finds it difficult to connect with a charity while on the road and juggling a blog, campus visits and speeches.

Votruba’s promotion of goodness started more than seven years ago, when, after the Sept. 11 tragedy, he created a Sow Only Seeds of Love sticker and website. That part-time pursuit grew into the kindness campaign after two suicides among his acquaintances and the 2007 shootings at Virginia Tech. He attended the campus memorial service and started thinking about how, as a father of three children in college, his job “is to make this the safest place that I can.… Kindness is the only thing that’s going to break that mess out there,” he says.

Votruba, who grew up in a big Catholic family with eight sisters, learned early about kindness by watching his mother perform good deeds, such as sewing for neighbors and helping with clothing drives. After high school, he became a carpenter’s apprentice and then a cabinetmaker. He started a custom cabinetry business and later expanded into homebuilding, a handsome living that provided luxuries such as family ski vacations and a 10,000-square-foot home.

“I never had a care in the world,” he says. “I’ve been spoiled all my life.”

Friends know Votruba, who is now divorced, as a good father and a successful businessman—as comfortable talking with the homeless as with a CEO. “He’s one of the most considerate and giving and warm people,” says Warren Morris, a friend for 20 years.

Yet selling his home, getting rid of possessions and moving into a bus—with bed but no microwave or bathroom—struck some in his circle as “way-out-there thinking. Some people think he’s gone off the deep end,” Morris says.

But others see it a little differently. “It’s a cool idea,” says recent OU grad Tyler Wallace, 21, of Cincinnati. However, “the cynic in me wonders how many people will follow through on it.”

After only a few months on the road, Votruba already has many fond memories—meeting two older adults who are changing retirement plans to help others, the students who made him a lasagna dinner, the professor who invited him to stay at his home for a few nights.

The grassroots effort is financed and run by Votruba. He thinks it’s gaining momentum and hopes to see it become a nonprofit organization and develop into a Kindness 101 curriculum for elementary schools. He dreams of adding more kindness buses to spread his message around the country.

For now though, Votruba is happy reaching people in small groups, which on a good day can add up to 300 or 400 students. He knows only a few will embrace the million acts of kindness immediately but hopes more will get the spirit at other times of their lives.

Votruba challenges older Americans to skip a golf game or play less bridge to make time for kindness and volunteering. “Find the passion that’s always been there and embrace it,” he says, and be a kindness role model to your children and grandchildren.

“I would like to see another Mother Teresa in the world because of this,” Votruba says. “I want thousands of Mother Teresas. The world needs people to go out and care for one another.”

What if there was a million Mother Teresa's --- Imgine That..........

Mr. Boggs - Sensei
Goshin Karate & Judo Academy
6245 E. Bell Road #120
Scottsdale, AZ. 85254

Providing Instruction/Lessons in Martial Arts, Self Defense, Judo, Jujitsu, MMA and Karate, for Kids, Teens and Adults in the Cave Creek, Phoenix, Scottsdale and the entire north valley of Arizona since 1991.