Thursday, July 24, 2008

Karate - Acts of Kindess

Haley wins an Kung Fu Panda for
turning in the most acts of Kindness

We are now at....... 2783 Acts of Kindness

Won't you Join Us?

Goshin Karate & Judo Academy has started a National Random Acts of Kindness Program

What happens when each child taking martial arts lessons at two thousand schools across America, with one hundred students each, performs thirty random act of kindness in a single month? Six million random acts of kindness!

That’s the goal of a new character development program spearheaded by the National Association of Professional Martial Artists and the National Leadership Projects. Local instructor, Roger Boggs, owner and operator of Goshin Karate & Judo Acdemy, has joined the program and believes it will have a profound effect not only nationally, but right here in our own town.

“Think globally, act locally. That’s the message I’m driving home with my young students,” says Boggs. “ We can make a difference if each one of us does more. This is a brilliant way for my students to turn the ideas of respect and kindness into something they can do. It also fits perfectly into President George Bush’s call for one million acts of kindness.”

A random act of kindness is defined as a kind, respectful or considerate act performed from one person to another without any expectation of return, reward or recognition.

A random act of kindness could be sending a note telling someone how much they are appreciated or putting a basket full of canned food on the doorstep of someone in need.

“If just seventy-five of my students do thirty acts of kindness over the course of the next month, that’s 3750 acts of kindness,” beams Boggs.

We’re going to encourage our kids to begin at home, under the watchful eye of their parents.” Mr. Roger Boggs says his young students are jumping into the idea with both feet. “One of my kids brought his parents breakfast in bed and another one cleaned his sister’s room without being asked. Our school’s parents are ecstatic, to say the least.”

Children participating in the program log their random acts of kindness in a journal and after accumulating 50 acts, they turn the journal into their instructor for review. Children who accumulate one thousand random acts of kindness are entered into the “Kind Acts Hall of Fame.”
Every kind act counts, so whether you say “hello” and smile at someone you might have typically ignored, help someone out with something they’re trying to accomplish, open a door for someone, or donate your time to a good cause, RECORD IT.

From the simple gesture to the profound and generous donation of time, energy, and resources, EVERY KIND ACT COUNTS.

Here is Some that Trevor Added...
- gave his brother a hug
-helped his sister feel better at the doctor's office
-cleaned up toys for his brother
-helped his Mom by putting laundry away
-made a special picture for his mom
-helped his Dad when the van broke down


Mr. Boggs - Sensei
Goshin Karate & Judo Academy
6245 E. Bell Road #120
Scottsdale, AZ. 85254

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