Goshin Karate & Judo Academy in Scottsdale Arizona is working to make Scottsdale/North Phoenix a kinder place
Mr. Roger Boggs the owner of Goshin Karate & Judo Academy has challenged his nearly 300 students to do a 1000 acts of Kindness each year.
... 267 students motivated to do 1000 acts of kindness would equal more than quarter of a million acts of Kindness.
Here is my challenge – I CHALLENGE YOU!
Let’s all get involved in the Kindness Challenge and perform three kind deeds per day.
I would like to have all students and instructors of Goshin Karate & Judo Academy perform acts of kindness.
I hope these Acts of Kindness (to friends, family, perfect strangers, people in need and even a few four-legged friends) will swept through Phoenix, Scottsdale and Arizona.
"Passed It On"
"I hope what we start right here in our studios will only be the beginning,"
Let’s see who can Perform, and Log the most acts of kindness this year.
“If a picture is worth a thousand words, then an action is worth a thousand pictures.” Martial Arts Grandmaster Jhoon Rhee
This week, our students will don their Goshin Karate shirts and go around doing acts of kindness. Boggs said the program is “wide open” and students can do whatever acts of kindness they choose.
Acts of Kindness for the Earth
Acts of Kindness for Others
Acts of Kindness for themselves (Like Eating Healthy)
Once a student does an act of kindness for someone, they will give that person a card. On the card that is dedicated to this event.
Mr. Boggs said participants will be encouraged to go to https://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=8186829832650938427&postID=5572664368017707111&isPopup=true, and write about what they did or was done for them and then do another act of kindness.
Who Can Participate and What Can You Do?
Everyone can participate.
Everyone can participate.
Every kind act counts, so whether you say “hello” and smile at someone you might have typically ignored, help someone out with something they’re trying to accomplish, open a door for someone, or donate your time to a good cause, RECORD IT.From the simple gesture to the profound and generous donation of time, energy, and resources, EVERY KIND ACT COUNTS.
Mr. Boggs - Sensei
Goshin Karate & Judo Academy
6245 E. Bell Road #120
Scottsdale, AZ. 85254
Mr. Boggs - Sensei
Goshin Karate & Judo Academy
6245 E. Bell Road #120
Scottsdale, AZ. 85254
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